Wednesday, December 1, 2010

An Interview with Stephen Mejias, Part 3

By Jim Teacher

JT: What projects are you working on?

SM: We just redesigned the Stereophile website, and that’s been taking up most of my time and energy. I am just starting a monthly column for the magazine, and I’m very excited about that. The column is called “The Entry Level,” and will focus on lower-priced hi-fi components, while also attempting to explore how and why people become audiophiles. My blog on, “Elements of Our Enthusiasm,” continues to do very well, also.

I find that if I’m listening to music, I’m not playing it. And the case is now that I’m listening to tons of music, but I haven’t picked up my guitar in weeks. That’s okay, though. I’m generally happy and feel extremely fortunate to be doing what I’m doing. I get paid to listen to music and write about it. How awesome is that?

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